
My name is Peter


I am not going to be a guru. I am not chacing after any state of mind what people called “enlightenment”, what is trendy now. I love life, I am very happy man in our Samsara. I am not going to leave, but I am free of attachments. I have expirienced death many times on multiple levels. It was really mistical, my perception evolved making matter more flexible but now I want to live. The Source created this world not to be bored. I also do my best not to get bored. Maybe I am a happy, free, healthy man because I practice yoga, so I want to share this happiness with you.

My approach to Yoga

I never focus on any spiritual aspects of yoga. The spirituality works itself, every human being is divine already.
But you can develop your consciousness of this physical reality practicing physical yoga asanas.
You don’t need to know how does the TV works to watch it. If you practice asanas it works itself. Development is inevitable.
So focus on your physical body, this is the gateway.



My experience

I am a professional in teaching yoga asanas (postures). I have been teaching for 5 years now. I have built my experience on leading private classes, group classes in my own yoga studios, and organizing workshops. I focus on understanding biomechanics, anatomy, and searching for new, more effective methods of work in asanas. I have experience from other fields like acrobatics, taijiquan, aikido, dance, climbing, acroyoga, and calisthenics. That’s why I know how the human body works, but I teach rather pure and proper yoga.


My style

My style is very physical and ambitious, but also gentle without pressing. My own program is constructed from very developed constant sequences. The most important thing for me is the order of yoga poses because it ensures safety and effectiveness. I focus on a good balance between strength and flexibility. I use some sophisticated methods of work in postures; we don’t only wait for some miracle. I create my own versions of asanas or even new asanas when I need them in my sequences. Everything is very detailed but as simple and logical as it can be.

Opinions of professionals


Peter sensitively adjusts the type and intensity of the practice to the shape and mood of each participant. He is very attentive and corrects students on an ongoing basis if necessary. It encourages effort, but within the limits of each participant’s abilities. Piotr has an in-depth knowledge of asanas, knows how to lead a student towards their performance, and additionally introduces innovative methods taken from acrobatics or taijiquan.
-Agata Szczecińska

yoga teacher, owner of yoga studio Yogisiowo

Peter – Fruity Yogi draws attention to himself with great passion and commitment, and on the other hand with a sense of humor and lack of pomp. As a teacher, he is characterized by full professionalism: knowledge supported by many years of practice. His workshops are methodically refined down to the smallest detail. If you are not advanced in practice, Peter will show you a good, safe and effective way. If you have reached a certain level of advancement, he will help you improve this practice. If you are advanced, he will discover new opportunities for you. No matter what stage of development you are at, you will always have fun with Piotr!

-Dorota Różycka

yoga teacher, owner of yoga studio Ekam

Workshops with Fruity Yogi are one of the best I’ve been to. Classes with Piotr are filled with knowledge, commitment and great passion that motivates to further work. After practice, every muscle burns, but I know it brings me closer to my goal. I recommend
-Julia Jakubowicz

yoga teacher, owner of yoga studio Bakasana

Peter Fractal

I am also a painter.

Watch my paintings on another art page.